
How to Clean Epoxy Resin: The Comprehensive Guide

How to Clean Epoxy Resin

How to Clean Epoxy Resin: The Comprehensive Guide

Epoxy resin – a versatile material used in everything from crafting to construction, but what happens when it ends up where it’s not supposed to be? When that sticky, stubborn residue adheres to your tools, workspace, or other surfaces, it might feel like it’s there to stay. But fear not, there are ways to clean it off! Let’s delve into the best practices for cleaning epoxy resin.

Understanding Epoxy Resin: A Sticky Situation

Epoxy resin is a two-component system consisting of resin and hardener. When mixed, they create a chemical reaction, resulting in a hard, durable finish. But before it cures, it can be a real mess. And even after curing, it can create stubborn spots that are hard to remove.

Epoxy resin, while a fantastic tool for various applications, has a knack for ending up where it’s not supposed to be. It’s in these instances that cleaning becomes essential.

One of the most common scenarios is a fresh spill. Whether you’re working on a crafting project or a construction site, accidents happen. A knocked-over container or a drip from a poorly sealed bag can lead to epoxy resin spreading across your workspace. This sticky substance can adhere to anything it comes into contact with, and if not dealt with promptly, can lead to a bigger mess.

Another situation that calls for cleaning is when the epoxy resin doesn’t cure properly. Epoxy requires precise mixing and appropriate conditions to cure correctly. If these conditions aren’t met, you could be left with a sticky, semi-cured mess on your hands, and you’ll need to clean it up before you can proceed.

Lastly, even when everything goes smoothly, you’re likely to have epoxy resin residue left on your tools, work surfaces, or even your floor. Brushes, spatulas, mixing containers – they all come into contact with the epoxy resin during the application process and can have residual epoxy on them. Likewise, your work surfaces and floors can also become victims of drips or spills during the process.

In each of these situations, a reliable cleaner like POLYCLEANER can save the day, effectively removing unwanted epoxy and restoring your tools and workspace to their original condition.

Common Issues with Epoxy Resin Cleaning

Cleaning epoxy resin is not without its challenges. One of the primary issues is dealing with its sticky nature when it’s still in its uncured state. Fresh spills can quickly spread, adhering to almost everything they touch. It’s not only difficult to remove but also can create more mess as it gets transferred from one surface to another. While epoxy resin is fantastic for its intended uses, it can be tough to clean up. Fresh spills are sticky and can spread easily, while cured epoxy is hard and adheres strongly to surfaces. Traditional cleaning methods often fall short, leading to frustration and wasted effort.

Cured epoxy resin presents a different kind of problem. When epoxy cures, it forms a strong, durable bond with the surface it’s on. This is fantastic when it’s a part of your design or construction plan, but it’s a nightmare when it’s a spill or residue. Cured epoxy can be incredibly stubborn, resisting most cleaning attempts and making the cleanup process frustrating and time-consuming.

Tools You’ll Need for Efficient Epoxy Resin Cleaning

When it comes to cleaning epoxy resin, the right tools can make all the difference.

Protective Gear

Always prioritize safety. Gloves, safety goggles, and old clothing that can be discarded if stained are essential.

Cleaning Agents

Traditional Solvents

Historically, people have used solvents like alcohol, acetone, and petroleum-based products to clean epoxy resin. However, these can be harsh and pose health and environmental risks.


POLYCLEANER is a revolutionary product designed to clean residues of POLYMÈRES TECHNOLOGIES products effectively. It’s VOC-free, making it safer than traditional solvents.

Step-by-Step Guide to Cleaning Epoxy Resin

Now, let’s get to the heart of the matter: how to clean epoxy resin.

Cleaning Fresh Epoxy Spills

For fresh spills, act quickly. Use a plastic scraper to remove as much as you can, then apply POLYCLEANER to a clean cloth and wipe the area.

Cleaning Cured Epoxy Resin

For cured epoxy, the process is a bit different. Use a scraper to remove as much as you can, then apply POLYCLEANER, let it sit for a few minutes, then scrub with a cloth or brush.

The Power of POLYCLEANER Eco-Friendly resin cleaner


How to clean Epoxy Resin with an eco-friendly resin cleaner

POLYCLEANER is a game-changer in epoxy resin cleaning. But what makes it so effective?

One of the key features that sets POLYCLEANER apart from traditional cleaning solutions is its unique formulation, specifically designed to target and break down epoxy resin molecules. How does it do this? It’s all about the science.

Epoxy resin, in its cured state, forms a strong molecular bond that makes it extremely durable – and extremely difficult to clean. This is where POLYCLEANER comes in. It’s been engineered to soften these molecular chains, effectively loosening the epoxy resin’s grip on the surface it’s adhered to.

When applied, POLYCLEANER penetrates the cured epoxy resin, disrupting its molecular structure and weakening its bond to the surface. This makes the hardened, cured epoxy resin more pliable and easier to remove. The result is a clean surface free of epoxy residue, without the need for aggressive scraping or the use of harmful, harsh chemicals.

With POLYCLEANER, stubborn, cured epoxy resin doesn’t stand a chance. It’s a testament to the power of scientific formulation, designed with the specific challenge of epoxy resin cleanup in mind. Cleaning epoxy resin is no longer a daunting task; instead, it’s a manageable part of the crafting or construction process.

Available here

What Makes POLY CLEANER Different

Unlike traditional solvents that can be harsh and hazardous, POLYCLEANER is VOC-free and specifically designed to combat epoxy resin spills and traces. It’s safe for use on work surfaces like countertops, desks, floors, and also on tools, spatulas, and containers.

Using POLY CLEANER: A Practical Guide

Applying POLY CLEANER is simple. Apply it to the affected area, let it sit for a few minutes, and then scrub gently. The epoxy resin will start to break down and can be easily wiped away.

Frequently Asked Questions

Now, let’s answer some common questions about cleaning epoxy resin.

  1. What is the best thing to clean epoxy resin?The best product to clean epoxy resin is POLYCLEANER. It’s specially formulated to tackle both fresh and cured epoxy residues without the harmful effects of traditional solvents.
  2. Does rubbing alcohol clean epoxy resin?Yes, rubbing alcohol can clean epoxy resin, but it may not be as effective on cured epoxy, and it’s not as safe or environmentally friendly as POLYCLEANER.
  3. Can POLY CLEANER be used on all surfaces?Yes, POLYCLEANER is safe to use on all surfaces where epoxy resin spills may occur, including countertops, desks, floors, tools, spatulas, and containers.
  4. Is POLY CLEANER safe for the environment?Yes, POLYCLEANER is VOC-free, making it a safe alternative to traditional solvents which can be harmful to the environment.
  5. Where can I buy POLY CLEANER?POLYCLEANER can be purchased directly from the POLYMÈRES TECHNOLOGIES website or from authorized distributors.


Cleaning epoxy resin doesn’t have to be a sticky mess. With the right knowledge, tools, and products like POLYCLEANER, you can effectively clean both fresh and cured epoxy from a variety of surfaces. Remember, the key is to act quickly, use safe and effective cleaning agents, and follow the recommended cleaning procedures. Here’s to your success in maintaining a clean, epoxy-free workspace!

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